The ferry to Lombok was a time consuming affair. We woke up at 4 am to catch a taxi to Kuta, to catch the coach to take us to Padang bai, where the ferry departed. It seems the people in Bali have also been mastering Tetris, as they managed to fit all of us and lots of big heavy bags into a tiny mini bus. Which would have been great if they hadn't driven off with the boot open...
Having reached the ferry and wrestled a big heavy suitcase up the stairs, we had a five hour journey to contend with. And it turns out I didn't inherit my dads sea legs, as I felt sick for most of the journey. But my lovely boyfriend let me fall asleep in his lap, which helped with the nausea, and before too long we were pulling into the harbour at Lombok.
Driving to the accommodation showed us that Lombok is very green, with layered mountains always visible in the back ground. There is a massive plastics problem here in Indonesia, but it's still very beautiful, and I'm looking forward to seeing the difference between here and Bali, and comparing the scenery from these two tiny spots of our wonderful earth.